A review by prettymonsters
April's Fools by Ivy Asher, Raven Kennedy


I was warned not to read this one, but I thought maybe it would be more entertaining as an audiobook. It was slightly entertaining. Honestly, the ending was the best part, and without that strange surprise keeping things interesting I would have given this 2 stars.

Cooky characters that were medium-level funny but not 'laugh so much I wake my husband up in the middle of the night cackling like a loon' funny.

Contemporary WhyC? That takes place in a small town. A virus epidemic gets reported on the local news and the town goes on lockdown but the sheriff sends 3 ex-military MMCs off to collect his daughter, the FMC.

The FMC has been living off the land by herself for a long time. She is nutty in a crazy cat lady kind of way, just replace cats for chickens and a rat-loving pet opossum. I love it when FMCs have fun interesting pets, but this opossum was just a nuisance.

I don't know what else to say about this one, if you want to try it out I recommend audiobook form. If I had read this I don't think I would have gotten very far, and then I would have missed the ending which put a fun spin on the whole story. But this didn't have a lot of substance to it storywise and the humor missed its mark most of the time. The steamy scenes weren't bad but when I read about a bunch of characters I don't find intriguing or entertaining the sex scenes are automatically lackluster. This held barely medium-level interest for me, so I had the same level of excitement for the smut.