A review by dogcentral
The Art of Taking It Easy: How to Cope with Bears, Traffic, and the Rest of Life's Stressors by Brian King


This book was self aggrandizing and was written for the Caucasian middle and upper class majority who are stressed by not being able to find the correct vacation rental or a bad day on the road. I am a social worker and to read that someone describes themselves as “homeless” and qualify it with “my parents would have welcomed me back any time” and that the person could sleep in the college study hall or at a friends. Sorry that is not stress but a teenager struggling with personal angst and rules. This book does not address real issues that people face that cannot be addressed by “being positive”. Many people are dealing with sick children, job loss, poverty, limited support and a car that will not start with no money to fix it. Smacks of entitlement and platitudes.