A review by katyanaish
Hot Cop by Sierra Simone, Laurelin Paige


This was cute, and filled with moments that had me slapping my hand over my mouth to not laugh out loud like a crazy person. Though there were parts that made me wince, all revolving around Livia.

Here's the deal: having a heroine that is 29, lamenting that 30 = death, is just stupid. It's fine for her to be dramatic about turning 30 - most people are - but this was a continuous running theme. That her life was about to be over and omgomgomg-angst-wail-drama. It was way too much, and was tedious. And there were other parts of Livia that I struggled with.
SpoilerI'd like to have some reason for her "I'm done with men" or "I'm petrified of death" ... she took these issues way way outside the norm, but we never got any reason or justification for it.

Chase, though, was amazing. And his POV was amazing, because he's the player that was trying to convince himself that this was just another fling... as we watched his POV slide into more than a fling. It was incredibly gratifying.

But their relationship was super uneven to me.
SpoilerIt was always Chase giving, on everything, on every level, while Livia just had her rules and demands and lines in the sand. Chase more than earned his HEA, more than earned Livia's love. But Livia never does anything to earn Chase. She rejects him again and again, hurts him and is honestly selfish... but he just keeps coming back, and there's never ... it just doesn't feel like she does anything to give a little, too.

This may make it seem like I don't like Livia, but that's not true - I liked her. But there were parts where I wanted to shake her. And I wanted her to work for this too.

I'll give it ***3.5***