A review by benjaminharrisonofficial
Farnham's Freehold by Robert A. Heinlein


This seems to have a reputation as a somewhat minor Heinlein - and sure it is, I ain't disputing that - but it's also ridiculous, absurd, and impossibly readable, and enjoyable, and just a plain goddamn rollicking good time. Certainly you can tell R.A.H. must've had a ball writing it, clearly making it up as he went along, each successive bombshell twist more audacious than the last. And hey, maybe it is unenlightened by the high standards of our perfect era, what isn't? But I don't accept that it's racist. In fact, I don't quite see how anyone can read it as being anything other than doggedly anti-racist, even if it is handled somewhat clumsily.

Having said all that, what's the deal with the incest stuff? What's the go with that, eh Bobby?