A review by jennifermreads
Royal by Danielle Steel

Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
Did not finish; read until page 78
I wanted a light read that would require no thought but that would also have a good story. I saw Danielle Steel had a new one out – and it was on ROYALTY. Oh goodness was I in the mood for princesses! Plus, I INHALED Danielle Steel’s first 20+ books. Guaranteed good read, right?

Nope. Not even close. Oh sure, the plot is intriguing. But … has she always written this poorly? She relies on telling readers what is going on: no evoking of senses or emotions. Her language is rudimentary. She repeats phrases or sentences – often within a paragraph or two but sometimes across pages and pages. {Seriously, would you stop pounding into my brain that no one knew who Charlotte was except the earl and countess? If you are going to tell me rather than show me then tell me once and move on already!}

I’m terrified to go back and re-read my two favorites The Ring and Wanderlust. I’m not sure which I fear more: that she always written in this manner or that she has lost her touch.