A review by cardamami
The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich


I like that Patrice is a mysterious baddie and also an over sharer.

"We need it right now." 
"I am beat. Right down to the ground." 
"Then I'll wait the washing." 
This was a big concession. Rose used a tub with a crank paddle, and liked to do her washing early so that she could take full advantage of the sun's drying power. Thomas squeezed love for himself out of her sacrifice, and ate with emotion. 
"My sweetheart," he said. 
"Sweetheart this, sweetheart that," she grumbled.  p.26

Suddenly Doris pressed her foot on the gas and glared athe road. They were flying along, too fast. 
"Slow down!" 
"At least somebody likes you! You and your pixie eyes and cute figure," cried Doris. "Can't you enjoy that?" 
Patrice welled up with misery. p.72

Numbers also attached to people. He saw Pixie as a 26, though she was just 19 years old. But he loved the swoop of the 2 and the snail of the 6. It went with her.

Thomas knew that Louis was not just sitting. He had an allotment on the edge of the reservation, on grazing land……... Louis was really saying that even the small amount of sitting he did was unbearable. p.122

Wood Mountain had begun to worry. The sound she made chopping wood last time had actually aroused him. Just a little. 
The clean split, the sureness of it, the certainty, the sound of her ax meeting the wood.

Something stole into her then. In a new place, with different sounds and different air, that which she had been resisting found purchase. There was a tearing sensation. As if she were being split through the center. And there was a wracking wild beating of her heart. She couldn't breathe. Her arms lifted- if only he were there, to hold her. Her face softened. If only his face would brush her, to kiss her. The snow melted on her tongue.” p.393