A review by jazzyfae123
Haru, Zombie Dog Hero by Ellen Oh


3 starsss

For only 176 pages, this book was compact with action and events left and right. I did think that the writing was engaging and that our characters were solid, albeit a bit exaggerated for some, but it made sense for the narrative and the audience. I liked Luke and his friends and Luke’s parents. And I really liked the animals’ POVs as well! 

But piggybacking off of that, I will say the animal cruelty in this was hard to get through at some parts and I’m a 23 year old teenaged girl so I can’t imagine how 10 year old me would’ve reacted 😭 Especially given it’s in their POV and the writing gets pretty detailed. 

Also wish we had a bit more resolution. Everything goes haywire and now we have zombie dogs making zombie ppl and it just kinda ends there? Just a “we’ll figure it out” attitude? Idk, but I’ve never been a fan of open endings lol.

But overall, it’s a quick read and I’ll ignore the plot holes and open endings in exchange for good characters and keeping me engaged.