A review by storiedconversation
Christmas at Holiday House by RaeAnne Thayne


Welcome to the small town of Silver Bells, Colorado! It is beyond is a perfect location for the Christmas season with it's snow-covered mountains, warm fires, and seasonal decorations. The description of the town and Holiday House is so well written in this book. You can easily picture them and feel as though you are there.

Abby's friend has asked her to travel from Arizona to Silver Bells to care for her grandmother who was injured in a fall. Abby agrees and packs up her son, Christopher, to do just that. Abby and Christopher are both such warm and loving characters. It was so easy to like them both. Then there was Ethan, Lucy's brother, who comes to Silver Bells and honesty he was so wonderful.

This book was like one of those heart-warming Hallmark movies that we wait all year to watch. It was simply marvelous and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
This review was originally posted on Wickedly Romance