A review by nickimags
21st-Century Yokel by Tom Cox


Well what can I tell you about this terrific book, except that I absolutely loved it and that I’ve discovered a new favourite author. Just thinking about writing this review is making me smile as I remember some of the anecdotes. Fortunately I’d recently stocked up on new post -it notes so I could mark all the parts that made me think, laugh out loud and smile as I was reading.

There are so many great stories in this wonderful collection and here are some of my favourites. His recollection of his Dad’s way of telling him stories as ‘someone acting as a translator for his own words’, likening a male tawny owl’s call to that of the Fonz from Happy Days, Bad Weird and Good Weird (you’ll have to read it to understand), ‘hello people’ when out walking, how unreliable phone apps are for identifying caterpillars, bees mating on his flares, and his wonderful account of watching the beavers. I could go on as I’ve remembered some more, but that would spoil it, and I definitely don’t want to do that as you really do need to discover this fab book for yourself.

I also love his thoughts on social media and the internet, of how we’re so focussed on sharing stuff that we don’t enjoy the actual moment we’ve just witnessed. I’m very guilty of this, so it was good to be reminded to just enjoy nature and wildlife without thinking that I need to be sharing it online.

I thoroughly recommend this if you like reading nonfiction, in fact even if nonfiction is not your thing, give this a try as I’m certain you’ll enjoy this fantastic book.