A review by labtracks
Restoration by Rose Tremain


I got this as a book club book but then the library didn't get it in time for me to go to the book club. When it came in I picked it up anyhow. Looking at the cover and description I was very close to just bringing this back, but I started reading and I'm pretty glad I did.
This book was a pleasant surprise. Not your typical book about this time period, which frankly can be pretty boring. This could be about this same character in just about any time period... a struggling want-it-all, personable, funny who likes women. He thinks he has it all and all he wants until he realizes he doesn't. He calls on friends and always pulls himself back. In the end he realizes he does have what he wants, through much struggle and maturity. A delightful story which made me laugh, shake my head and in the end feel some satisfaction.