A review by seabirdsong
The Twilight Collection by Stephenie Meyer


I was basically forced to read this series by a coworker and friend. Her description of it was dead on: You will hate yourself for reading it, but won't be able to stop.

So true. In the first half of the first book were passages so poorly written it actually pissed me off. How the F did this woman get published!? is what ran through my mind through most of the first book. Three days later, I had read all four of them. Thankfully the writing does improve as the books progress.

First of all, Bella is annoying. She is a shallow, spineless, self-absorbed and perpetual damsel in distress who strings along all the men in her life, and whose "personality" consists of not listening to or being present for her high school "friends", and endless references to her inexplicable clumsiness and helplessness. Most of the time I had no idea why we were supposed to believe that every guy in her school was in love with her, or why she was supposed to be as fascinating as all the characters around her claimed she was, as I just wanted to smack her. Repeatedly. And HARD. And I liked the more thoughtful and interesting Edward much less for being "in love" with her, or whatever. But obviously, no matter how strongly I might have felt in the beginning, I couldn't help finishing the series very quickly. And I'm not someone who has a problem with abandoning books that I start. That's because the Twilight series really is like crack. It keeps you awake for a few days and you hate yourself the whole time, but you can't help from consuming it mindlessly until all of it is gone.