A review by dmcke013
A Proper Hellhound by Orlando A. Sanchez


Off-shoot from the 'main' Montague and Strong novels, in which Peaches (Strong's faithful hellhound) has to go to obedience classes, after chewing up some of Montague's shoes.

Which, as anyone who has ever owned a dog will tell you, is quite a common thing for a puppy to do.

Most puppies, however, are not hellhounds, nor do they possess the ability to grow to the size of a small bus or shoolt laser beams ('baleful glare') from their eyes ...

All of which Peaches can do.

I fairly flew through this one - think I read it in less than a single afternoon - which you can normally take in one of two ways: it's short, or it's good. to that, I'd add a third option: it's also rather enjoyable for what it is!