A review by ruth5garcia5
A Christmas Prayer by Wanda E. Brunstetter


Cynthia Cooper and her mother travel in a small wagon team from Illinois to California. Along with them are Cole and his sister Virginia (Ginny) at the lead, and Jack with his two small children Alan and Amelia at the back. As they travel on the trail, they have setbacks, food scarcity, and weather that prevents them from getting where they need to go.

Cynthia is engaged to Walter, whom she is not fond of. The entire trip we get to read her diary and learn her true feelings, her worries, and prayers. I found the banter and bickering between them to be comical at times and exhausting. Brunstetter did a wonderful job at constructing this dynamic.

I enjoyed the friendships and down-to-earth moments that happen with children on the road. I quite enjoyed Alan's mischievous side. I also enjoyed that no matter what they faced as a group, they relied on God to get them through it. They prayed and kept hope even in the darkest and scariest moments.

This was my first time reading Brunstetter's work and I'm definitely going to add her to my author tbr list. I really enjoyed her writing.