A review by kingfan30
A Room Swept White by Sophie Hannah


On a rare occasion my husband stops moaning about the number of books I have and goes and buys me one, this was one he choose. I can't make my mind up about this book. At times it felt very chick lit, particularly where Fliss was concerned. On the other had it was trying to be a gripping thriller that was not quite pulled off in my opinion.

I loved the fact the chapters were in different formats (third and first person) and had the odd snippets from books, reports etc. it could have been done better though.

There was a bit that made me laugh not far into the book where Fliss ran into her room, locked it and put the chain across, for someone to walk in about 5 pages later. I'm not sure how that's possible unless they are a magician!!

It is the first book by Hannah I have read and a lot of reviews say this is not the best one, so maybe I need to give an earlier one in the series a look.