A review by jynx66
Captive Spirit by Anna Windsor


Posted At: Riverina Romantics
My Rating: 4 out of 5 *
Hotness Rating: 3 out of 5 <3

The Dark Crescent Sisterhood is in shambles after the events of Bound by Light. Triads have been destroyed, horrible losses, and everyone is trying their best to pick up the pieces and move on.

I can understand how devastated people can be when they lose those they care about, especially in large numbers in an epic fight. I also understand that it takes time to grieve, but I felt like Bela was taking it a tad to the extreme. Every other paragraph, it seemed like, she was blaming herself for her old triad's death, she was doubting herself, she was pretty much mentally abusing herself. Not to mention the rest of her new quad got along like vinegar and water. It was constant arguing, constant fighting, messing up in battles...just a whole lot of issues. I know new groups don't always mesh together right away, but with them it was like there was a solid wall around each of them and nobody cared to even try. Honestly, that really was the only issue I had with this book.

Bela herself was a good heroine, but she was so messed up I felt disconnected from her for most of the book. I could see her relationships with her quad and Duncan developing, but I felt a void where I should have felt her emotions. Otherwise she was an incredibly strong and determined woman. She did her best to hold her quad together and defeat the brand new bad guys in town. She knew her role in her quad and did everything in her power--literally--to be the foundation of their group. When it came to Duncan, things happened so strangely I'm not even sure if I believe her feelings for him. From the moment she saw him, things just kinda went into warp speed and the next thing I know, she can't stand being away from him. I'm not saying that it can't happen, but when there is a void of emotion; it makes it a little harder to keep up. But overall she was a good heroine and a good leader.

I don't think I could have adored Duncan anymore than I did. He was good to his core, despite the infection spreading through him. I could feel his connection to Bela, his emotions were deep and real. He just wanted to find a way to stop his infection and help the Sisterhood at the same time. He used every one of his skills and abilities to give them even the slightest head start against the Rakshasa. Now only did he connect with Bela, but he forged genuine connections with the rest of her quad. He became an integral part of them. He sacrificed his sanity and his life for them, which made him a hero in my eyes. He was selfless and caring, and in the end, he was perfect.

The new enemy, honestly, is kinda frightening. They seem almost impossible to defeat, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the Sisterhood manages to do it. I just wish the chemistry between Duncan and Bela didn't seem so one-sided. It would have been a lot more potent. But overall it was a very good book and good continuation into the next trilogy.