A review by gigua
Questa notte ho sognato in cubano by Cristina García


1.5 stars because I feel bad giving just one.

I simply did not enjoy this book. I just kept reading it to get to the end and not because I liked reading it. There were some paragraphs I completely skipped and a few I quite *almost* appreciated.

The plot revolves around the life of three generations, from grandmother to mom and to daughter. Their story alternates Cuba and New York City as their background and we are like an audience admiring the show of their life.

There are a few reasons I did not love the book.
- The characters were poorly developed and I didn't feel sympathy for any of them. I was interested in maybe two of them at different moments, but I just didn't feel they were the right kind of characters is that possible? Or were they so real I did not enjoy their presence? I don't know.
- This book made me feel sad. I wasn't happy when I was reading, I didn't feel any kind of emotions. I think that is quite bad for a book, as I like to feel something, even if it is just anger or disappointment. I was just sad and not inclined on continue the story because of the story itself.
- I was expecting much more after reading the back cover. I was expecting a much larger presence of the two different locations, but it did not happen. I was just stuck with a lot of smaller details about them and I was like "Yes... and now what?!".

All in all, I struggled a lot whit reading this one. And I just kept pushing through because I do not like not finishing a book. Was it a waste of time? Probably.
At least, I can finally say that it's over. Onto the next book now.