A review by desiree_mcl
Wild Invitation: A Psy-Changeling Collection by Nalini Singh


Reread: 6/2019 Listened to this on audio, Angela Dawe is a fantastic narrator and I'm enjoying binging this whole series.

Original review: 3/2013

A Psy-Changeling anthology collection. It's not all of the short stories available, there's one other short story about 80-100 pages in the Burning Up anthology.

Two of these novella's (Beat of Temptation & Stroke of Enticement) were published previously. While the last two (Declaration of Courtship & Texture of Intimacy) are new.

Beat of Temptation: Psy Changeling #0.5 (read previously/copy & pasted my review)

4.5 stars.

I really loved this short story. I'm going to start reading Book 8 in the Psy-Changeling series in a couple weeks and I've loved Tamsyn and Nate from the beginning of the series. So I was extremely excited to learn that they did have a short story featuring them.

I love Nate, he is wonderful in all of his scenes throughout the series. However in this story he annoyed me so much. On the one hand I understand he had in his mind that Tamsyn was too young, and when she was fifteen and he was twenty-five that was absolutely right. But now Tammy is back, nineteen, already their Pack's healer, clearly mature enough to make her own decisions about mating and Nate's constant pushing and pulling of Tammy made me want to slap him and knock some sense into him.

Other than that this was a very good addition to the series. A must read for any Psy-Changeling fans.

Stroke of Enticement Psy-Changeling #3.5

5 stars.

Although this one had been released before, it's the one that I hadn't read yet. The original anthology it was in was just too expensive for me (about 15-18 dollars) and it was the one they didn't have at my library. So I liked that it was included in this one. Finally got to sit back and enjoy Zach and Annie's tale.

Annie is a teacher, a human, and she works at a school that has quite a few changeling kids enrolled due to the closeness of various changeling factions. Zach is a DarkRiver leopard who immediately is interested in Annie.

Annie isn't use to guys showing her that much attention. Normally she gets looked over or guys are disappointed because they know what her aunt/cousin (I can't remember what Caro's relation to Annie is) looks like and Annie is the opposite. Annie has had some hard times, the accident that caused her leg to be crushed and seeing her parents marriage dissolve to the point that her father barely "sees" her mother.

So Zach has a little bit of an uphill battle to convince Annie to mate with him. Zach was so great with Annie's family. Her mother wasn't happy with changelings, she didn't hate them but she also didn't want her daughter dating a changeling. However Zach kind of won her over when she saw the way Zach looked at Annie, which was like she was the only woman in the world.

The story was very sweet and I loved Zach and Annie together. I wish to get more scenes with them in future installments.

Declaration of Courtship Psy-Changeling #9.5

4.5 stars.

I loved Grace & Cooper. As soon as we were introduced to them in a previous book (can't remember which one) I wanted to read their romance.

Cooper is a dominate wolf in the SnowDancer pack. Grace is one of the more submissive wolves in the pack.

Cooper has had his eye on Grace since she became a part of SnowDancer a few months ago. However he couldn't immediately chase her because she was so submissive, it would have given Cooper an unfair advantage in the relationship because Grace wouldn't have made the necessary connections to other people in the pack.

Both Grace and Cooper have had their share of family heartbreak. Both have lost their parents as children/teenagers and while they had other people in their lives to take care of them it has of course left emotional scars. Cooper's are more at the forefront and that's an issue in their courtship that they have to work through.

I enjoyed this story, I liked seeing how Cooper and Grace worked through the obstacles in front of them.

Texture of Intimacy Psy-Changeling #10.5

4.5 stars.

In Kiss of Snow we got Walker and Lara's courtship. In this story we got them post mating but with some issues still between them.

Walker, while far more open then he had been before still has a bit of a wall put up. However Lara is able to help Walker let down those walls one wall at a time.

I loved how open Lara is with Marlee and Toby and how loving she is with them. Those two kids really need a mother figure that won't leave them. Kristie (Toby's & Sienna's mother) committed suicide and Yelene (Marlee's mother) didn't want to taint her line and abandoned her child by staying in Silence.

Lara and Walker's major issue in this story is when Walker automatically shuts himself down emotionally when he has to deal with something traumatic. It's worked out though.

Also I enjoyed hearing about Zach and Annie for a brief bit. And I look forward to seeing if Riodan and Noelle get a story in the future.

This anthology is a great addition to my Psy-Changeling collection. All the stories in this collection are great. My only complaint is that the short story from the Burning Up anthology isn't in here. Other than that it's wonderful.