A review by kathydavie
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin


This is the first in the Earthsea fantasy series.

I don't know why it's taken so long for me to get round to reading any Ursula K. Le Guin as I've been hearing about her work for decades. It has been an interesting tale to read as it reminded me of the writing styles of Patricia McKillip, John Flanagan, Mercedes Lackey, and Charles de Lint. A combining of lyricism, adventure, fantasy, and people's foibles.

Le Guin tells just enough to keep the adventure rolling while leaving you wondering how and why this young man, Ged, has so much power and just what will he do with it? Ged finally enters the school for wizards at Role as those around him realize he needs help. Ged himself believes himself omnipotent in all his pride and fury until he takes on too much releasing a hideous beast on the world. A beast that will track and absorb Ged unless he learns to guard himself. A difficult lesson to learn. One essential to curb Ged and his superiority.

Ged's exploits in A Wizard of Earthsea introduce us to the world of Earthsea, its peoples and their various cultures and beliefs just as we watch Ged learn and absorb the needed warnings which will shape him into a better man, a wizard for good.

Le Guin is masterful in her descriptions of both settings and characters. Managing to use few words to craft a colorful and individual world.

Le Guin ensures that I realize she is setting the background for further adventures. Whether those quests are Ged's or some others, future tales will tell.