A review by mehsi
Willow Moss and the Lost Day by Dominique Valente


A lost day, a girl with a memory she may not want, dragons, magic, wizards, and more~ Prepare yourself for a quest!

I had plans to read this book while I was checking out for 2020 books, and lo and behold when I visited Library #1 they added this to their English collection! I was bouncing in happiness, what a coincidence that just a few days after I added it.. it is there. Magic!

And that is what this book is. Magic. Pure magic.

When we meet Willow she is just a girl with magical powers to find what is lost (and she can apparently also try to lose things on purpose so later on it will come in handy if she ever needs it (which we later see happening during the journey)). She isn't too happy with her powers especially considering her mom and sisters got the best kind of powers and her grandma, before the accident, was a master potion maker who could make anything and it would actually work. During one of those days when she is caring for the house and her father there is a visit from a very superawesome character, Moreg Vaine pops by her house and asks for her help. Last Tuesday is gone! I had a laugh at first, how can a day be gone? That is not possible? Right? But then we see that the reality is that it truly has been stolen or disappeared. Since Willow has the power to find lost things Moreg wants her to find it. However, she cannot summon it. I am sure those who read plenty of fantasy or even enough manga know that one can break the reality and threads that keep an universe together if one does something like this. And so the quest begins.

I loved the quest, but I mostly loved how everything clicked together. How Moreg had given Willow hints here and there that helped her out. We see how each part of the journey has something that Moreg was hinting at and I just ADORED it. I was just going OH YES, and OH MY, and How did she know?. It was perfection.
Not to mention I loved the people that Willow meets on her journey. She meets someone from all over her world. She goes to places that many people wouldn't have gone on their own.
And she learns about her powers and she learns that she is good enough. Her power may at times seem little to people but it is an amazing power and she is wonderful at it. Willow really comes out stronger in the end and I loved her growth. She was such a sweet and caring person.

The world and the history about it. The brothers, the big war, how the world used to be all magic and now only a few people have gotten magic and how there are people who are cleansing their cities and towns of magic users, wow. Sometimes the world building either gets forgotten or it feels flat, but in this one I could all see it, and with each page and each nugget of information I loved the world more and I wonder... if I had a magic power, what it would be?

I quickly had an idea what the memory was about that Willow kept having each time she thought about Tuesday. I was on the one hand looking forward to seeing if I was right... but on the other hand also bracing myself for the tears that would inevitably happen if I was right. And tears happened, oh yes, I cried so much at the end of the book.

I am normally not a fan of talking animals (sorry, Oswin but you still look like a cat), but I loved this snarky beast. I had such a laugh each time they got to great powers and he went off like an alarm clock.

The ending was sad but also amazing and I loved the final battle and then the results from it.

The mom and sisters? Terrible terrible people. Just because you have powers doesn't make you the best or the most awesome. It doesn't make you a better person. :| I just hated how they treated Willow.

The book also has a plethora of gorgeous and sparkly illustrations that make the magic of the book come further alive.

I have to say I wouldn't have minded Nolan Sometimes having another surname. I was utterly confused many times while reading as I kept thinking sometimes was just a part of the sentence or a start of the new one given it has a capital letter.

Holy wow, this review got long! Sorry peeps, I just love this book so much. I had so much fun reading and I definitely need more of this series, I am so happy to hear that the second book will come out in just 3 months, I can't wait! I would recommend this book to all in need for something magical.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/