A review by liz1004
Let Me Go by Chelsea Cain


In the serial killer series category, the Archie Sheridan/Gretchen Lowell series by Chelsea Cain is a clear front-runner for me. It is edge-of-your-seat suspenseful and features, in my opinion, one of the creepiest and most intriguing serial killers to come along since Thomas Harris introduced Hannibal Lecter. Both Dr. Lecter and Gretchen Lowell are unique in the sense that they are two of the most gruesome killers in modern fiction and yet for some reason you find yourself drawn in and almost fond of them. Maybe it's like looking at an apex predator through the bars of a cage - while fascinating, there is also relief that you are on the outside looking in.

Summary: This novel focuses a little more Jack Reynolds' drug enterprise and Leo's involvement in trying to bring it down. Archie and Susan are "persuaded" to attend a huge masked Halloween party on Jack's island and the next morning a young woman's body washes ashore. Archie is missing a huge chunk of the evening and there is evidence that Gretchen Lowell may have been on the island as well. Did Gretchen kill the girl or are there two killers operating in Portland?

What I enjoyed: Like I said before, I love this series. Gretchen is one of the most disturbing and evil villains of all time and the relationship between her and Archie is so nuanced and complex that you never know what's going to happen next. Let Me Go was one of the more viscerally frightening books of the series for me because while the others had plenty of gore and violence, this one just plain creeped me out. The kind of creep-out that makes you look over your shoulder if you're home alone. There is a point where it seems like someone is in one of the character's backseats and I literally had to stop and take a break.

Where it lost a star: I've reached a point where the series is starting to become repetitive. Gretchen's escaped AGAIN, Archie is looking for her AGAIN, there is ANOTHER serial killer, and of course, Susan's in the middle of all of it. While it's still suspenseful and every book is different, it's starting to seem like I'm reading the same plot devices over and over. I just want some sort of different storyline and resolution to the ongoing ones. If Archie and Susan don't admit they love each other soon, I'm going to throw something. I will continue to read because Chelsea Cain is an amazing storyteller and I am incredibly invested with the plot and characters, but COME ON. Let's move the plot forward a bit.