A review by beckiebookworm1974
Hearts of Indesh by S.J. Sanders


This was a quick fun read and I enjoyed it a lot though I do kind of wish it was a full-length novel as I was that into Nazzek and Nikki’s overall dynamic. So Nikki is strong-armed by her father into joining the mate's index and finds herself on a ship with nineteen other women heading to the planet Caysta to be a bride to some prince it’s the last place she wants to be and all the other women are highly strung younger and annoying.

Nazzek wants a human mate and decides that the prince can afford to lose one so he plans to rescue and liberate his chosen mate and she’ll be so grateful to him she’ll fall at his feet in gratitude. What he gets is Nikki and she’s far different to what he was expecting but he instantly loves her fiery attitude and big personality. Nazzek was bloody hilarious he’s an alien goofball with absolutely no filter and absolutely no idea when it comes to romance. But he is basically harmless and he definitely stole the show for me.

This was insta and sexy and just so much fun. I’m not a huge fan of novella reads but occasionally an author manages to pull one out of the bag for me and this one I did enjoy very much. If this novella was ever expanded on and lengthened to provide more in-depth context as it did feel slightly stripped back at times this could easily become a five-star read. As it stands it’s still a fun sweet but short romance all I want now is mates for the rest of Nazzek’s crew.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm