A review by heabooknerd
Relentless by Kaylea Cross


RELENTLESS was a very emotional read as both Neveah and Rhys have overcome so much in such a short time. They both have feelings for the other but are afraid to take a chance. Rhys in particular is scarred by his time as a Delta Force operator and he's locked his emotions down so tightly he doesn't know how to be in a relationship. I felt so much for these characters and just wanted them to be happy.

Neveah has struggled with PTSD ever since she came back stateside but with Rhys she feels safe and comfortable. While Neveah is interested in more than friendship she isn't the type to make the first move so she's been quietly pining for Rhys. When they slowly start to open up about their mutual attraction, Neveah realizes how much Rhys keeps under the surface. He's definitely the epitome of still waters running deep. Rhys doesn't talk much and he keeps everyone but his twin brother at a distance, but with Neveah he begins to reach out. I loved watching these two fall for each other.

In addition to Neveah and Rhys we got to see the previous books's couples and some pretty great setup for Emily and Luke's story which has been building since the beginning.

Content Warning: Neveah has PTSD after being kidnapped and held captive