A review by undertheteacup
Blacker Than Blue by Rebekah Weatherspoon


Probably the best erotic romance I've ever read, and soooo much better than the first book in this series.

I absolutely loved Benny as a protagonist. Her maturity, tight control of her life and emotions, and thorough knowledge of herself and what she wants were a wonderful change of pace from the usual messiness of narrators her age. She was just so wonderfully written, her voice came through loud and clear which is especially tricky in an alternating POV book like this.

Which leads me to the fact that Cleo was incredibly enjoyable to read as well, especially because of how distinctive her narrative voice was from Benny's. It's rare that this multiple-POV narrative goes well, but Weatherspoon really pulled it off and used it to highlight how it's possible to have very different interpretations of the same situation and yet both characters be 'right'. Cleo's opinion of Dalhem and Camila were a special treat, because she had such an irreverent perspective and yet you couldn't really fault her for it.

Getting to see a couple move past the infatuation phase and into some really hard times, and being with them while they slowly, carefully, lovingly, and honestly managed to work through all that... it really made my heart sing. They had real, realistic problems, and they fucked up and hurt each other along the way, but you actually get to see them grow.

Last but not least, the sex and the D/s relationship itself.... *happy sigh*. It was so sweet. So gentle, loving, and playful. The sexy times were so delicious, and so perfectly tied in with the characters' growth. A+