A review by liberrydude
Cave of Bones by Anne Hillerman


Officer Manuelito spends most of the book running back and forth between Grants and Shiprock. Lots of windshield time. She’s sent to the Malpais to give some at risk youth a speech but ends up getting involved in a lost hiker search. Not any hiker either but an experienced guide who is about to take over the non-profit amid allegations of financial improprieties. Her husband, Sgt Chee, is in Santa Fe attending a week of law enforcement training while also checking on Darlene, Manuelito’s party girl sister who is enrolled in an art school seminar. Those are the two parallel plot lines that involve family, fraud, politics, greed, corruption, and theft. It’s NM True and the Wild West is alive and well. Hillerman might be gone but his daughter has the gene. She has successfully captured the spirit of the series and imbued it with a strong female protagonist. So much to love about this series’ characters and place.