A review by jadeeby
Angel Evolution by David Estes


Originally posted at my blog Chasing Empty Pavements

Reading two angel novels back to back probably wasn't the best idea but I try to stick to my TBR list pretty regularly and this one was up next, so I went with it.

The Good: I was SO happy to see that this novel also steered away from the cliche angel questions and answers that are brought up in other angel novels in YA. I thought the plot was refreshing and unique and totally unlike Unearthly, so I'm glad I didn't have to compare them because they were so different. I loved the whole angles vs demons battle...it was so unexpected and unlike any of the other angel books I've read. The scheduling of battles was so simple yet no one thought about doing it yet :) I enjoyed that the angels were more human like than godly like. I think one of my favorite things is that the characters are in college! No high schoolers! I'm totally on my "New Adult" genre kick and even though this seems to be marked at YA, the character's ages really put them in the "New Adult" category. I LOVED this!

The Bad: I wish I felt better about the characters. I thought they were very underdeveloped. I think if the author were to step back and develop them a little more, the book would really shine! Taylor annoyed me and I just didn't connect to her at all. I thought Gabe was dumb and I disliked him but I not for the reasons I think the author wanted me too. Chris was probably the most well-written character but even he needed some development. This book is the first one in a series, so I'm hoping the author really takes to heart the critiques of reviewers and works on the characters because I think this book could really be something special if he worked on it!

Overall, I'm surprised I didn't dislike this book coming off the heels of Unearthly, but it was actually pretty good. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series to see if there was improvement on character development. B-!

**I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review. All the opinions are my own and I was not obligated to write a favorable review.