A review by codecat
Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life by Maxwell Maltz


This book is so good. I am not typically drawn to 'self-help' books, but this is in its own category! If you're anything like me, I'm telling you, don't be dissuaded by the seemingly lofty claims. This is not selfhelp-y: not cheesy, not cringe-y, not oversaturated with overdramatic anecdotes, and not recycled advice that you already know. The tone is intelligent rather than some of its kind, which attempt to be inspirational and instead come across as belittling in how they treat the reader as if they're a child. The approach is quite objective in explaining the techniques in a clear way with some examples, but does not dilute the message with stories that try to tug at your emotions. It's very practical advice having to do with self-reflection, and has the reader analyze their thoughts and behaviors in a new way that makes sense and is doable.

In other words, this book is for the reader who is seeking real advice on how to change their mindset to be more content and better achieve their goals, and doesn't want to waste time reading a book that's trying to make you emotional/inspired for a minute rather than providing methods of cultivating happiness for years.