A review by sarcasticromancereader
#1 Crush by T. Gephart


3.5 stalkerish stars

While this was a very entertaining read the absurdity of it kept me from loving it too much.

Tia is just a little bit too much for me. She seemed almost too neurotic at times for me to love her completely. Her obsession with Eric Larsson, a famous actor, led her to lying her way into a movie premiere and finally meeting her heart-throb. It all seemed so implausible that I couldn't help roll my eyes.

I loved Eric though, the handsome, talented actor. He was sweet and funny and genuine. I did get quite a bit mad at him near the end of the book for taking things one step too far.

Overall though it was enjoyable. had me laughing quite a bit and the hot and heavy scenes were great. I'm really looking forward to Ryan's book because he was my favourite character in the whole book.