A review by welshgirlreads
Behind Closed Doors by Catherine Alliott


Behind Closed Doors is told through the narrative of the protagonist Lucy, an author, wife and mother who suddenly and unexpectedly is widowed. After the funeral she packs up her life in London, rents her house out and moves to live with her elderly parents in Oxfordshire, who are in denial but have been struggling to function by themselves. Lucy starts to move on, find herself again and pave a new life, but is she just running away from her old life, her grief or is she hiding something?

The books handled some difficult and delicate subjects such as domestic abuse, grief, caring for elderly parents and the emotional toll of starting over again. However there were also moments that had me laughing out loud, especially at Lucy’s parents Henry and Cecily who were some colourful and crazy characters to say the least! Some parts were thought provoking and I liked the fact it provided both light and dark moments and showed a vast overview on grief and how it varies from person to person. It also served as a reminder that you never really know what happens behind someone’s front door and despite a situation looking rosy on the outside, it can sometimes be completely different once that door is closed to the outside world.

Some parts were a bit slow for my liking but the moments that had you quizzing or laughing more than made up for that and actually made it more of an enjoyable read as there were many ‘normal’ moments in between the craziness.

I’ve not read a Catherine Alliott book before but after reading Behind Closed Doors, I’ll definitely be picking up more of her works!

Thanks so much to Sriya at @michaeljbooks for inviting me to take part in the blog tour and for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.