A review by bookwarmm
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami


The writing kept me going through this one… if it hadn’t been for all this mess of misogynistic sex weirdness it could’ve actually been a decent book.
If you’ve read this book and you are a guy in your early twenties struggling with grief, loneliness and the uncertainties of becoming an adult then I want to inform you that no there won’t be some magical woman showing up to please you every time you feel lonely and numb. There won’t be no women to undress in front of you , give you a blowjob or talk about her wild sexual fantasies to you just bc they happen to be that way. We have better things to do lol (maybe I live in a completely different world than everyone else idk but that’s my opinion). Especially if you spend so much time with yourself in your room. I know that book is set in 1960 and I don’t know for sure what that time was like but I just like to believe that the random sexual things in this books are as unrealistic as a 13 year old girl raping a 30 y.o. women but ohhh that also happened to be part of this book.
Can someone tell me what is going on in the authors mind? Did he like writing about Reiko getting wet from the things her 13 fucking year old student was doing to her and the fact that Reiko kept asking for her to stop but ohhh it’s still important for us to know that she was super aroused???!!!! I’m sorry but all I can think of is that this was some kind of weird fantasy of Murakami’s he enjoyed writing about and maybe even turned himself on with ughh!!!
Okay and again ik this takes place in 1960 but why does Toru (the protagonist) have to hang around with that disgustingly sexist friend of his and yes he may be a complete misogynistic, self-centered, rich dickhead but I still like to hang out with him bc he has great qualities that outweigh being a jerk… Yeah we might live in a time of cancel culture now but still I would hope that ppl are and were able to tell where the limits to sympathy towards certain ppl are ughhhhh
Ohh and then there is also all this ableism and making fun of Toru’s roommate who seems to have some ocd or autistic tendencies which I find quite problematic.