A review by booksandlemonsquash
Seven Devils by L.R. Lam, Elizabeth May


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. I also read it for the Space Sirens Book Club December read :)

I thought I'd enjoy this going in and I really did. It's honestly fun from start to finish. I always like a good rebellion, and I found the politics in this to be very intriguing.

As is often the case with this sort of book, our rebels have to combat terrifying odds, and I like that they do it with style! While we have two main protagonists, we also have a small number of additional POV characters, with my favourite being the young but fantastic Ariadne! I loved her throughout. Clo and Eris are both excellent, and also having to work together despite a very rocky history and one hell of a grudge being held by Clo. I love a friends to haters to colleagues! An underrated trope, perhaps.

We also get great LGBT+ rep and so much excellent feminism and sisterhood. I honestly loved the relationships between these women. Yes, even Eris and Clo with all their vitriol.

I am super excited for book two, as we get some serious fireworks at the end. 4.5 stars.