A review by biteintobooks
Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson


"'Hi,' I said lamely. Unfortunately, finding out who my parents actually were had not improved my social graces by leaps and bounds. Oh, well."

The quote above shows exactly why I like this book. Max is so sarcastic and I love the touch she gives to converstations. For example; the way she mocks Ter Borcht and the scientists is so funny. Loved to read those parts!

When I was finished, I was so scared that this great series would be over, but thanks to Mr. Patterson, there is much more to read!

I give this book 3 stars. Can't give the book more, because this book is so full of action and plot twists, that I can't keep up with it. Sometimes it's just too much and it gets unbelievable at some points. Also; I don't even have time to process some of the plot twists, because a new one gets slammed in my face already. A little less would be better in this book, to my taste.
And I'm kinda sad that;
SpoilerMax and Fang did not even talk about their feelings, where was the romance at the end of the book?!

It was really nice though, to read another Maximum Ride book. I know that I will get a light, fast paced, funny book full of action when I pick up one of those.

Like I said; the ending made me feel like this was the last book of the series, but after some research I'm so glad it is not! The ending is nice and well written, I like the way Fang's story and Max' story come together.

SpoilerAnd the fact that the flock actually flies away in the end and there is no "happy-family-sappy-wealleatMexicanfoodfortherestofourlives-ending" is a +1 for me.