A review by _astridedwards_
The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman


The first of a ten-part series, [b:The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes|13095977|The Sandman Vol. 1 Preludes & Nocturnes |Neil Gaiman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1336522806s/13095977.jpg|1228437] is a mesmerising introduction to Dream.
Dream, otherwise known as Morpheus, is of the Endless - the seven immortal beings who preside over the way things are. We also meet Death, his sister, and a sampling of the Justice League (although you don't need to know of them to enjoy the work).
Reading the rest of this graphic novel series is high on my to-do list.