A review by lattelibrarian
Five Children and It by E. Nesbit


Five Children and It is clearly a staple in the children's literature fantasy genre for clear reasons--first, being that this book offers a chance for children to explore and imagine and brainstorm, which is a staple in more romantic and less industrialistic and educational children's literature, and second, being that this book was published in the 40s and allow children to create a world of their own making.  

And working in all those dynamics, that just means that this book is really fun.  Each chapter has its own plotline and wish to follow through and deal with for the day, and each time it makes me laugh.  What these children come up with as wishes and as workarounds and loopholes!  And those illustrations, oh, man.  The first time I saw the Psammead, I was like, #mood.  Same.  Me in the mornings.  Me before coffee.  

But, really, the amount of imagination that it must have taken Nesbit to write this...I don't know if I could think of half of the workarounds that she does.  And somehow, that makes it even more fantastic.  If you're looking to read classic children's literature, I definitely recommend this!

Review cross-listed here!