A review by gudzilla
See All the Stars by Kit Frick

Caution: This is not an actual review.

I have been noticing a trend that famous authors keep their book in Netgalley's read-now section and once you noticed and overjoyed by that - publishers give you protected PDF.

I hate reading PDFs, they are not great format to read. The difficulty is that I read all my books in eReader where I use Black background and white font color. It strains my eyes less and as my father is ophthalmologist, he simply agrees with the decision. There is no way to make such settings in PDF, as far as I know.

Note to Publishers: Don't keep author's book in read-now section, if you are going to give protected PDFs or mention somewhere that it is in protected PDF format, so readers like me can ignore them.

I started reading it and wanted to finish it, but I simply cannot for above reason.

Note to Authors: if you are worried that someone is going to steal your book, don't give it to Netgalley.