A review by michael__
Stargazer by Claudia Gray


This was a disappointment compared to the first book in the series. While the love story between Bianca and Lucas was interesting and manageable during the first book, it was absolutely annoying in this one. All they did was pout through the whole thing. Bianca pouting because Lucas won't become a vampire. Lucas pouting because Bianca is walking (just walking) next to Balthazar. Bianca pouting because she has to leave Lucas and go back to Evernight. It goes on.

Basically, Bianca is almost Bella-like in this book. She just cannot live without Lucas, and no kind of companionship with anyone else is enough. I just felt like smacking both of them, honestly.

Evernight had some pretty good twists in it. I was actually really surprised at what Claudia Gray did at the end of that novel. These twists, not so much. I wasn't really satisfied with why the ghosts were actually at the school. It was just kind of a "meh" moment for me.

However, I didn't hate this book. The ending was pretty interesting, and (except for their explanation) the ghosts haunting the school was pretty interesting. Overall, if you haven't read this series yet, try picking up the first one. I'm definitely going to read the next one.