A review by ursineultra
Goth: A History by Lol Tolhurst


This isnt a history of goth, it's a collection of poorly written essays about things that Tolhurst likes. When it isn't reading like rewritten Wikipedia entries, it's a memoir in which the author mythologises his own life and tries his hardest to make your eyes roll so hard your pupils retreat into your skull and never return. At one point we are treated to a bit of talk about the construction of the Humber Bridge, so Tolhurst can say 'I, on the other hand, was busy burning my bridges'. It's all a bit Alan Partridge. 

The Joy Division chapter is particularly terrible. After describing every minute interaction the author had with the band (and even a boring story about buying their record) and telling us repeatedly that something wasn't quite right with Ian Curtis (mindblowing, I know) there is an inexplicable track by track runthrough of their albums, with analysis running as deep as describing what the songs sound like in 20 words or less. What's the point of this? Who is this for?

Also, I'm pretty sure there are more pictures in this book of Tolhurst than there are of the band's he's supposedly talking about. The author definitely puts the lol in Lol Tolhurst, at least.

Again, this book is supposed to be a history of goth, and it really, really isn't that. In the afterword, Tolhurst even admits this, but by then it's too late and I've already read all this useless, self-aggrandizing shite. Truly awful.