A review by imzadirose
The Final Seven by Erica Spindler


When I first got this book off NetGalley, there wasn't a lot of info on it, and I didn't realize it was paranormal. I have read Spindler before and thought it sounded good and thought it really wasn't what I was expecting, I did enjoy it.

The story started off kind of slow for me, I really didn't get into it for a bit. Micki was all about worrying how much of a "pretty boy" Zach was and Zach was hiding too many secrets. I really started enjoying the book more when Micki learned most of the truth of what was going on, which was around 60% into it. I'm not big on liars, or withholding info, so I didn't like some parts at first, but overall it was pretty good.

The characters were likable, they weren't my favorite characters ever, but they were interesting and you wanted to care what was happening to them. It was quite a good book, if you enjoy paranormal at all. I will probably continue with the series to see what happens next.

Setting = A
Plot = A
Conflict = A
Characters = B+
Theme = A