A review by megsmyname
Carry the One by Carol Anshaw


Damn, I wanted to love this book, but it just fell short on the hype for me. I can't say I wasn't biased going in because my excitement and expectations were high. Good writing, solid enough story and character development yet somehow it just never really grabbed me. I liked the characters and the subtlety written struggles they carried with them (and not so subtle for others), but again it just fell short for me.

ETA: Okay, so upon further reflection I think the book is just being touted as something it's just really not. If it was described as a coming of age story that would have been MUCH more accurate and might have lead to me enjoying it more. And now that I've figured out what bugged me so much about it, I'm sticking to a solid 3 and even feel a little miffed about the whole thing. Ehh, I'll get over it.