A review by kwil
Seniors Sleuth by Jennifer J. Chow, J.J. Chow


The premise was intriguing, but the main character, Winston Wong, was less so. His habit of announcing to anyone and everyone who he was and what he was looking for, rather than downplaying his intentions and covertly gathering intel, was confusing. The ease with which he obtained most of his information was questionable. Additionally, many of the characters were difficult to connect with, and the mystery's solution was a bit of a letdown.

However, there is promise in Ms. Chow's writing. The mystery was well-plotted; it's execution was just slightly flawed. If the next book in this series could offer a less bland and more stealthy Winston, round out the other characters a bit more, and make Winston really have to work to discover whodunit (instead of discovering answers so serendipitously), it would definitely be worth checking out.

* I received a free copy of this eBook from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.