A review by alongreader
Eve 2.0: The Ultimate Gaming Experience by Winter Lawrence


Teddy loves gaming and even found her current boyfriend, Pete, on a gaming forum. They now regularly game together and send each other new games and tips. It helps to distract Teddy from her ex boyfriend, Ryan, who lives next door.

Things start to go wrong when her boyfriend, and her ex's brother Ben, fall into unexplained comas on the same day. Teddy discovers gaming equipment in Ben's bedroom and realises that Pete must have sent it to her. When she tries it, she finds herself dragged into the game, shortly followed by Ryan. Now they have to battle through a series of video games, overseen by a constantly learning AI, before time runs out...

What a fun read! At first, it kind of felt like I'd been dropped into the middle of a story, with all the references to Teddy and Ryan's shady past. But as the story progressed it all made sense, so do stick with it if you're worried about that.

I'm a very casual gamer, so I was worried how well I'd understand that part of it. I needn't have. Ryan must never have even read the back of a game box if he couldn't follow the terminology Teddy was using, but it worked well to make sure the audience were following along. I really liked that they worked through different types of games, too, it wasn't just the same thing over and over.

I don't want to give away the ending, so I'll just say that I have my suspicions about some things that happened, and I'm not absolutely sure I understand the end of Pete's storyline, which is dealt with in two throwaway sentences. But I'm sure that the next book will explain it, and I'm looking forward to reading it to see what happens next.

(Oh, and I know the cover makes it look very sexy. That's really not an issue in the actual story.)