A review by jazzrizz
Act of Brotherhood by Mandy M. Roth


Audible version - not listed as edition yet I really enjoyed this one.

Viking Garth Ingersson!! He has a serious issue with Auberi from the Fang Gang. Auberi tried to kill his twin brother Grid ... back before Garth realizes how evil his brother actually is. Garth and Auberi cannot be in the same room without fights breaking out.

This is another flash back, where Garth & Auberi were on the same mission, where they discovered a facility testing on babies/children. Garth instantly latches on to a baby girl who's in trouble, and forces Auberi to help her.

Garth ends up in Savannah, tracking his evil twin ... Nicolette (the baby all grown up) lives with her best friend Clara (the little girl so protective of the baby at the facility). Nicolette is clueless about what she is, and where she came from. Clara, seems to be more clued in to what they are ... thanks to her secretive job.

Nicolette is a teacher, and notices a strange vibe man watching her. Then up pops another dude, who tries to jedi-mind trick her into going home. Wheeler, turns out to be a friend of their friend Cody - her one stab at a relationship/turned friendship. She ignores him, and picks up her custom made - any allergy-friendly muffins. Then, she literally runs into Garth, crushing her muffins ... and swearing he had his hair braided ... and where the heck did the scar go ... but she's not picking up a scary vibe. Nope, she's instantly hot and bothered by this guy.

Then it's on. There's a lot of cat and mouse, insta-attraction ... then Garth pulls a Malik, he mates Nicolette - then completely looses control of his wolf, runs from her to protect her - straight into his brother lurking outside. His team contains him, and keeps him locked up for days - and they're being entertained by fights between Garth and Aubrie. Then, they get their next case. Lambrose's niece is missing ... as well as another girl. Garth and the team realize Nicolette is Lambrose's niece ... and then they all realize Garth was telling the truth, and she's actually his mate.

Does he get to her in time, to save her from his brother and the Corporation??