A review by stephlo
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler


I actually think this is more of a four star read in terms of style, engagement, plot, but I just couldn’t give that rating for a book that has two deeply problematic patterns normalized in it: first, casual sexual harassment/assault that is cast as something women should just have to deal with, and second, very intense parentification. The main character, a high schooler, took on WAY too much responsibility—I was also raised by a single mom and I completely understand the economical pressures that put unfair weight on Hudson’s shoulders, but this can actually be a deeply traumatic experience for youth and I thought the author totally dropped the ball on the real messaging of the stresses of poverty with any substantial acknowledgement of how unfair Hudson’s situation actually was.

Again, well written on the surface level, but don’t throw in serious issues for the sake of plot if you can’t critically engage with them, in my opinion; there is definitely a way to do that while still keeping this a lighthearted YA book. And definitely don’t teach teenage girls to that sexual harassment is part of the job.