A review by eesh25
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer


4.5 Stars to this book because while I did love it, it wasn't as good as Cinder.

The main reason for that was the back and forth between Cinder, Scarlet and Kai. I'm not saying that the author should have stuck to just one person or anything. I just felt that the book lacked a sense of continuity. But other than that, the book was great.

I understood why people love Wolf. He's such a unique character. The type you don't get to see much, especially in males. The fact that he's so new to things and the way he reacts whenever he encounters new situations (which are basically all situations) is endearing. He's a sweet character.

Scarlet was a very strong character but she wasn't perfect. She got angry really quickly and was reckless at times but she was also careful. She tried to ensure that she had backup (if possible) whenever she went into a dangerous situation. Rational thinking is not something often seen in female protagonists so I'm really glad that while Scarlet had issues with her anger, she was still able to be rational.

Cinder was great as usual and I'm loving her growth as a character. Kai, I love. I don NOT envy the situation he's in. I really wish someone would tell him the truth though. About everything. Queen Levana... let's just say that I hate her.

Last, but not least, Caption Thorn! He is awesome! His inexperience with technology, his jokes, flirting without discrimination, his stupid moments and his caring side, they were all so amazing and I can't wait to see where he goes and what part he will play in the final battle which is bound to happen, against Levana.

So, all in all, this was a great book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The last chapter was a really noce tough. I'm gonna be starting Cress in a day or two.