A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
The Dishonorable Miss Delancey by Carolyn Miller


I was hoping that this last book in the Regency Brides series would be my favorite as the series kept improving from book one, but unfortunately this was probably my least favorite of the three books. This one was more preachy and the plot twist at the end involving Clara's brother, really disturbed the flow of what was a sweet regency read. I felt as though with Clara's shunning by the ton and the later assault she faced at the hands of a nobleman, that those things in and of themselves kept the story intriguing and me as a reader on pins and needles. I just didn't really like that Clara and Ben were so "good" either. I at least like my heroes with more complex personality. I still liked the romantic aspects of the story, but unfortunately this wasn't a favorite read. However, if you like books with very strong Christian elements or the classic regencies from yesteryear, The Dishonorable Miss Delancey might be a book you'll enjoy.

~ My Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars ~

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