A review by princessrobotiv
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer




I liked this less than Cinder, mainly because I am not, as a rule, a fan of ABO or ABO-adjacent stories.

Still, there was enough about Scarlet that surprised me that it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Once again, Meyer took a well-known tale and played with it in unexpected ways while retaining the heart.

Wolf and Scarlet as a couple didn't really catch my attention, but Wolf as a character subverted enough tropes to keep me forgiving despite the very questionable status of his morality.

And, of course, we got the next stage of Cinder's saga, the near-entirety of which worked pretty well for me. I enjoyed Thorne, I liked the direction they took Iko in and how Iko reacted to her new body, and I think it's great that the next installment
Spoiler will have Scarlet and Wolf along for the ride.

SpoilerI don't think I buy Kai's decision to marry Levana as a politically sound strategy, or one that wouldn't also lead to immediate war with the other world powers, especially after Levana's open act of aggression. I know it's like, necessary for the plot or whatever, but it was unbelievable to me.