A review by heabooknerd
An Uncommon Honeymoon by Susan Mann


AN UNCOMMON HONEYMOON started off a bit slow for me through the first third as we go through the pre wedding days and then the ceremony and honeymoon, however, it was nice to have these moments. Readers have been with Quinn and James since they met and we've seen their journey from dating to engaged and now to married. Once we got into the meat of the story with the trafficking ring I enjoyed the book a lot more and the pace started to pick up. One part of the writing did bug me a bit and since it's been so long since I read the others, I'm not sure if they were the same. Basically, there is a lot of detail in the writing and most actions are explained almost step by step. For instance, if a character were to get in the car and drive away it will be described from opening the door, to putting the eye in the ignition to start the car, to it pulling away, etc. The large amount of detail just slowed the pace down considerably, especially in the beginning.

Travel to exotic locations has been a big part of the series and this time we got to travel to Russia and Monaco with Quinn and James. These have been a great team from the very beginning and this book was no different. I loved how great Quinn and James are together; how much they communicate what they want and how they trust each other to get the job done when on missions. To say these two are besotted would be a grand understatement. They spend a lot of the book holding hands, sharing kisses, and flirting, all the stuff that newly married couples do. All of this was typically used to encourage and comfort each other and it was pretty sweet. With a mission with such heavy overtones, it was great to see them support each other. They're pretty much the perfect CIA couple.

I don't know if we'll have any more books about Quinn and James but I'll certainly look forward to them if we do. I can trust Susan Mann to give readers an interesting adventure, lots of library references, and a couple you know can stand the test of time.

Content Warning: References to drug and child trafficking