A review by theobviousmystery
When Eight Bells Toll by Alistair MacLean


ARE YOUR PARENTS AVID READERS? My dad was. He used to read a lot. Whenever he sees me with a book in my hand, he comes over asks about that book and then recommends a few of his own. That is how I came across When Eight Bells Toll by Alistair MacLean. The book like any other Maclean book has a mystery that needs to be solved and there is a hero who solves it. That is the gist of most books out there. The only factor that makes a difference is the writing style and this is where Maclean excels!
When Eight Bells Toll is a first-person narrative that tells the story of agent Phillip Calvert on his mission to find out the reason for missing cargo ships in the Irish Sea. His mission leads him to a small port town of Torbay. From there the real mission starts. Like all thrillers, there are moments when you feel like gasping and awing and unlike all thrillers, every instance or turning point of the story seems real.
What adds to my wonderment is the fact that the entire timeline of the book is just a short while and the writing elucidates each and every moment of it and you are aware of every tiny detail and you feel like the book has lasted for hours. Honestly, this was to play both the boon and bane of the booking. When I started reading it, I did not like how the pace was set and it was almost added to my “I’ll read it later” pile. But I went on and found that this pace has its own positives. I learned so much about copters, ships and shark boats in this book and what interests me more is the fact that they did not bore me yet again. If you guys like thrillers and are looking for a good one. I say the same thing my dad said. Give it a try. You can always put it down if you don’t like it.