A review by horrorlesbian
The Maze Runner by James Dashner


alright so...i find it hard to rate this book since i haven't read in years and have nothing to compare it to. however, i do have some Complaints™

[spoiler warning]
first of all, thomas kinda annoys me? i can't exactly put my finger on why but he does. same with teresa (it didn't help that the audiobook narrator read her voice in the most irritating high pitched way)
also sometimes thomas really can't do 1 + 1 and is slow as shit and he survives stuff that he shouldn't survive just cause he's Special. also the whole telepathy thing is kinda lame and i don't like the romance or whatever between them.
my favourite characters are gally, newt and minho who i would 100% die for. newt is a sweetheart, minho is cool and gally DID NOTHING WRONG!!!! he was literally right all along about thomas??? and when he did the Thing in the very end he literally said that he was being controlled and thomas STILL beat his ass. unnecessary but ok thanks for that one last reminder that thomas is a dumbass.

conclusion: i can't tell whether i liked it or not but i accidentally got emotionally attachted to some of the characters so now i might have to read the other damn books in this series