A review by gugsnbooks
What the Day Owes the Night by Yasmina Khadra


Overall I really found this book interesting and enjoyable, particularly in the beginning. Having little knowledge of Algerian history this was great insight and it was gripping. However, the second part of the book, set in Rio Salado, lost me as it was endless stories of young, rich group of friends hanging around, falling in love with each other's girls and so on and so forth. It's saving grace is that this frivolous part soon becomes serious. Unfortunately, one's opinion of the main character Jonas/Younes takes a knock and he became cowardly in my eyes- cowardly in the face of his own background, religion and family, cowardly in love and cowardly in fighting for his country.

A good read!

You can read more here: http://www.diasporandarlings.com/recommended/book-review-what-the-day-owes-the-night-yasmina-khadra