A review by winterreader40
Tempting the Bride by Sherry Thomas


David and Helena have had an antagonistic relationship with each other since they first met as teenagers when he fell in love and she really didn't.
David has been pining for Helena for half their lives and she's the only one who doesn't know it. Helena is pining for Andrew the sweet openhearted boy she met 5 years ago, but he's married (unhappily) but she convinces him to have an affair with her, David is constantly warning her she will be ruined when she's caught and he'll be forced to marry her to save her family and her reputation. 
Helena doesn't think she'll be caught or ruined if she is because she's to caught up in nostalgically swooning for Andrew to really think about the consequences until they happen. 
When David saves the day, starting the rumor that they had eloped, but then there is a carriage accident and she doesn't remember anything after her 14th year, just before she would have met David, giving him a second chance to get it right.
I loved this story, she has amnesia but he never lies to her which was probably my favorite part of this story. I loved watching him admit all the twit like things he'd done over the years.